Download CMPL v2.1.0 (including Coliop4, pyCMPL, jCMPL and CMPLServer) Change log

CMPL 2.1.0 Win
CMPL 2.1.0 Linux64
CMPL 2.1.0 macOS - Apple Silicon
CMPL 2.1.0 macOS - Intel

CMPL - Manual (including pyCMPL, jCMPL and CMPLServer)
CMPL, pyCMPL and jCMPL - examples

Installation Linux & Windows

An installation is not required after unpacking the ZIP or tar.gz file. The CMPL package works out of the box in any>

Installation macOS

To use CMPL on macOS the following installation steps are necessary:
  1. Download CMPL from

  2. Unzip CMPL package and copy (or move) the Cmpl2 folder to /Applications

  3. Open Terminal
    The easiest way to open Terminal is to press /Cmd+Space to open Spotlight Search. Afterward type Terminal in the Spotlight input field. Simply select the Terminal entry in the search result list to open it.

  4. Run Cmpl setup script in Terminal (just copy and paste the following command and press enter)

To start CmplShell, the link cmplShell in /Applications/Cmpl2 have to be double-clicked. In addition a user can do so in Coliop (Menu Actions -> Open CmplShell). To start cmpl on the command line please use it inside CmplShell. If cmpl.opt or cmplServer.opt need to be edited, just open them via the links in the /Applications/Cmpl2/opt subfolder.

Source code

The source code is available on Github: