Download CMPL v2.1.0 (including Coliop4, pyCMPL, jCMPL and CMPLServer)
Change log
CMPL 2.1.0 Win
CMPL 2.1.0 Linux64
CMPL 2.1.0 macOS - Apple Silicon
CMPL 2.1.0 macOS - Intel
CMPL - Manual (including pyCMPL, jCMPL and CMPLServer)
CMPL, pyCMPL and jCMPL - examples
Installation Linux & Windows
An installation is not required after unpacking the ZIP or tar.gz file. The CMPL package works out of the box in any>
Installation macOS
To use CMPL on macOS the following installation steps are necessary:
- Download CMPL from
- Unzip CMPL package and copy (or move) the Cmpl2 folder to /Applications
- Open Terminal
The easiest way to open Terminal is to press /Cmd+Space to open Spotlight Search.
Afterward type Terminal in the Spotlight input field.
Simply select the Terminal entry in the search result list to open it.
- Run Cmpl setup script in Terminal (just copy and paste the following command and press enter)
To start CmplShell, the link
cmplShell in
/Applications/Cmpl2 have to be double-clicked.
In addition a user can do so in Coliop (Menu Actions -> Open CmplShell). To start
cmpl on the command
line please use it inside CmplShell. If
cmpl.opt or
cmplServer.opt need to be edited,
just open them via the links in the
/Applications/Cmpl2/opt subfolder.
Source code
The source code is available on Github: